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Activities of "hans abelshausen"


Hi, I have little problems,changing the language at the top of my page. If I switch the language to french, the site is doing a refresh, but the language of the labels has not changed. If I hit CTRL F5, the new language of the labels appear. What I'm doing wrong?Is this a caching problem and how can I solve this?

Hi, we are using module Zero for Login. We only need the Name as required. So I overwrited the mail with: [Required(AllowEmptyStrings = true)] public override string EmailAddress { get; set; }

But now, if two people leave the mail field empty, the user is not saved to db. Is there a way to stop watching the DuplicateEmail functionality?

Hi, we are using users, roles and Groups, where one user can have multiple Groups. I don't know exactly what Multi tenancy means. Is it perhaps something similar than Groups in my Project? Is it possible, that an user have two or more tenant-ids?

Hi, I wanna add some custom properties to the database table AbpAuditLogs. I have added a class:

public class Log : AuditLog
        public int ActionContextId { get; set; }
        public UserAction UserAction { get; set; }
        public ActionType ActionType { get; set; }
        public Actioncontexttype Actioncontexttype { get; set; }
        public string ActionContextText { get; set; }

I published the new fields to the database.

Now in my application library I try to save the auditInfo and the new fields, but I'm not sure how to do it.

For example, I delete a field in my application and now I wanna log this. If I use the original logging, the methodname parameters etc are saved. How can I add my properties to the save procedure?

Hi, I have downloaded a brand new project from your site and added my classes. Now Login works perfectly, abp.session is now the right one and not the testbase.session. But I did not found my error. I uninstalled every abp project and reinstalled abp. But still error is shown. So I decided to make a new project! Thanks a lot.

I only installed Abp.Zero and Abp.Zero.EntityFramework, but in accountcontroller _userManager.AbpSession is Abp.TestBase.Runtime.Session.TestAbpSession What I'm doing wrong?

Here is the wrong Session:

public UserStore(
            IRepository<User, long> userRepository,
            IRepository<UserLogin, long> userLoginRepository,
            IRepository<UserRole, long> userRoleRepository,
            IRepository<Role> roleRepository,
            IRepository<UserPermissionSetting, long> userPermissionSettingRepository,
            IAbpSession session,
            IUnitOfWorkManager unitOfWorkManager)
            : base(

No, I haven't a test package included. Only Abp.Zero version but Abp.TestBase.Runtime.Session.TestAbpSession as Session. Is the TestAbpSession included in the package?

This is also an error of my login: Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error) Perhaps it is the same problem described here: [])

I can't find the test package. I have added the Abp.Zero version Strange...

I have updated to newest version of Abp.Zero and if I check the loginAsync function, there is a difference between my solution and yours. the castle.proxies.usermanagerproxy base AbpSession is Abp.TestBase.Runtime.Session.TestAbpSession in your code it is Abp.Runtime.Session.AbpSession Is this perhaps the problem? Where can I change it?

Showing 21 to 30 of 37 entries